So my last doctor's appointment was WAY more comfortable than the one before. Whew! I read a great reccomendation on the BBcntr community boards suggesting to put your fists under your hips to raise them just enough to allow the dr better access to your cervix. Sure, it wasn't a party but it didn't make me scream. And the good news? I'm 50% effaced and 1cm dialated! I also only gained 1lb! Good stuff. And now my dr is on vaca until Aug 3, so I REALLY hope I don't go into labor before then. I still have an appointment this week but with someone else. We'll see how that goes.
This weekend we got SO much done! We are almost 100% packed for the hospital, and the car's are clean and car seat's installed. The house is put together but needs to be a little more organized. I have piles of stuff that need to go in other places. Not too bad, but moving stuff is a LOT of work right now. Too many stairs! Still, I feel pretty good that we are where we should be.
Its kinda sad to think I am near the end. I mean, it took so long to get pregnant, and then after all the fears of staying pregnant, to be at the point where I soon won't be pregnant anymore is weird. It feels vaugley... empty. I mean, right now I have this super special time with my little one. I get to spend all day with the baby, playing with its little 'feet' and talking to it, and do so all by myself. Soon, I'm going to have to share. And its a lot harder to ignore a baby that is not internal. Pregnancy is the ultimate multi-tasking... I can take care of the baby and myself at the same time! And I am terrified of labor. I have no idea what to expect, and THAT is what scares me. But I'm ready to be done. I'm swollen and uncomfortable and tired and anxious to meet my baby.
Meanwhile, at work...
Ugh. I'm ready to be done here too! I wish I didn't have to come back after the baby is born. I'm so tired of some of my coworkers. I mean, I appreciate that they are stepping up to filling in for me (because the boss is making them) but some are way better than others. I have 2 that take it in stride, do what they can, and move on. But there is this one.... ugh. She is so fricking PANICKED it is annoying. I mean, one is awesome! She just steps on in and does what needs to be done, and figures that if something gets dropped, it gets dropped but she'll do the best she can. GREAT attitude, and SO helpful!! The panicky one has to write lists dividing up our duties, sends me all employer stuff, refuses to answer questions or take responsibility etc. She is making it hard for me to decide what is best for me and the baby because I have to take care of her too. And she's significantly older than me! What a pain.
Currently, I don't think I'm going to go past my due date, but we shall see. I've had some bad menstrual cramp like feelings that come and go, and some diareha, and some pelvic pressure, and my heartburn is much much less. All signs of immenent labor? Perhaps...
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