Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Good news is fun

So we got the good news from the dear semen analysis people....


Yeah!! So its just me. Well, I guess in the end its a huge relief. The bummer is that sometimes it feels like that...like its just me. Don't get me wrong, hubby is awesome, but I got another pregnancy announcement over the weekend. No wonder my stomach hurts and I've been nauseous for days. (And no, its not a pregnancy symptom. I don't even know how that would be possible.) Hubby says that he believes we just haven't hit our stride yet, and besides, right now it seems like pregnancy is the fad on the day in our circle of friends and with celebrities (or VP candidate's teenage daughters) and who are we to follow a trend? Its much more fun to be special.

So on Monday I will go to the special doctor and talk about special drugs so I can have special mood swings and other special delights. I was torn about taking Clomid, but now it seems like, "why not?" I mean, its been a year and odds are this cycle will continue until past my birthday anyway, which will REALLY be a year. I remember this time last year, we were off the pill and just toying with the idea. October, after my bday and our anniv. we had unpro sex for the first time, and by the end of the month/start of November we stopped using any type of protection. I remember the long shot of hope for a Thanksgiving baby, and the realistic hope of announcing a pregnancy at Christmas. I remember thinking, "This is the last New Years where I'll be able to drink for a while." Well, that's one resolution I'd like to keep. So bring on the drugs!!

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